Real Estate

Rendering : Case study

3D Rendering cover exterior

1- When to do a rendering image:

New real estate project (to prepare it, to sell it)

In real estate, particularly with a new development project, it is vitally important for potential buyers to be able to visualise the end result in their minds. Asking people to part with money when the development is an empty plot is a huge ask.

Now, rendered images are much more user-friendly than architect’s drawings or engineering plans. They bring the project to life, displaying a beautiful place to live once the builders have gone and the place is ready to live in. A quality 3D rendering shows shadows, topography, seasons, landscapes and the site in use by real people. This is attractive to buyers, allowing you to sell or rent the property in the development phase.

Renovation / Extension

If you have a property for sale that needs some renovation, then a rendered image can highlight the finished article. A 3D rendering can showcase how the home will be more desirable when the works have been completed. Savvy real estate agents use these images to attract attention to a property that has been on the market for a little while and the interest levels have dropped off.

You can see the potential in the property – but can your buyers? Well, hold their hand and help them see the ugly duckling turning into a beautiful swan.

3D Rendering living room WEB

To help to sell an empty lot

Empty land is difficult to sell – we all know that. But it doesn’t have to be. Before the work is done, potential buyers see only work, dirt and stress. But you can easily change that perception with 3D technology, taking away the challenges and showcasing the way it will look when they move in. Empty lots don’t have to be something you shy sway from as a real estate agent any longer. You can show an empty lot to look like a million euros or swiss francs – and that sells!

To attract a large range of new clients

As real estate agents we’re always looking for new clients. Business depends on finding new people and making sure they list their property with you. Did you know that 3D renderings actually help you attract new clients?

Well, the brain reacts positively to curves and gentle lines. And a 3D render is the ideal way to put depth and life into your marketing. Once you enhance your online marketing in this way, you’re more likely to gain extra enquiries from people. They will be stunned by your innovative marketing and want to work with you.

3D Rendering exterior white house

To improve overall quality of marketing

And this is all part of your overall marketing content. In an industry like real estate, being on the cutting edge of technology is hugely important. The way your office looks, the business attire of your team, the way you are represented online.

Poor quality images, cheap suits, shabby offices – they are all things of the past. And the extension of your marketing is the way your visuals are presented. Would you rather be seen as the agent with the blurry photos and 2D images? Or the one who brings property to life with high quality 3D images?

This is all about trust. And as you build trust in your brand, you will be far more attractive to potential clients – particularly at the top end of the market.

3D Rendering main reception
3D Rendering commercial interior

To improve ability to compete in the market

The real estate market is extremely competitive. One single town or city could have a handful of real estate agents all vying for business. From a business point of view, anything you can use to gain a competitive advantage is vital. 3D rendering is one such method you can use.

Imagine this scenario. A potential customer can view properties through your real estate site, or through a competitor. You have a user-friendly website that is embellished with 3D renders of stunning properties. Your competitor cannot offer this—they have a basic website, and only sketch representations of property listings to be built. Which one do you think the customer would choose?

To provide a memorable experience

Walking home they’ve never visited (or one that doesn’t exist yet) is a remarkable experience for a client. Technology is changing the face of real estate. Being an early adopter of this kind of tech puts you front and centre of the mind of clients. They will certainly remember the experience you gave them.

3D Commercial exterior 1 WEB

2 - What is possible? (everything!)

Real environment: from address, drone pictures... (interior / exterior)

Now, it’s easier than ever to show off your 3D renderings in a living environment, with beautiful skies, variety of landscapes.

Aiming at local buyers? By knowing the address, it’s even possible to represent the reality using the likes of Google maps inspiration, street vibes and others.

You can also consider using drone shots that you can as well order on the platform: locals are known for paying a great deal of attention to the neighbourhood, and an aerial render will effectively showcase it.

3D Rendering exterior bicycle

General Design: Exterior / Interior

Impress clients by showing your exterior design in detail — in a photoreal environment, with beautiful lighting. When it comes to exterior, the advantages of 3D graphics are even more remarkable. A 3D artist can choose the season that fits the housing unit best. No weather conditions can hamper creation of the most advantageous imagery.

3D Renring exterior chalet
3D Rendering exterior chalet ambiance

Materials used / Colours / Style

Furniture is an indispensable part of every interior. Without it, the room looks empty and faceless, so its choice is a very responsible task. Backbone understands this fact too and does everything possible to offer the most accurate furniture renderings to its customers.

3D visualization shows the interior and exterior with photorealistic quality, while turning it into a beautiful story. 3D Artists will easily find the perfect lighting, add any kind of decor, colour, material you like and make a show-stopping image that will attract plenty of visitors.

And we can bring the place to life by showing people using the space. Each of them portrays a specific natural pose that has been scanned from the real thing. The geometry and high-resolution textures of all Posed 3D People have been manually refined to match the vividness and authenticity of real humans. Those models are a plus to make a rendering even more real ;)

3D Rendering office with people

3- What do you need?

There are some different elements needed to enable a high-quality rendering. We can work with the following data to produce the quality images that will help you succeed -

Technical drawings

    - Floor plans with room dimensions
    - Cross-sectional plans showing all building elevations and floors of the property
    - Site plan if available
    - Facade plans

    We need digital files of the project (usually DWG, SKP, 3DS or FBX).


      Which building(s) or room(s) should be rendered and from which viewpoint.

      If possible, indicate the position, angle and direction of the future rendering on the floor plans.

      Materials and colours

        - Description of the colours and materials to be used
        - Reference images of a similar property (optional)

        Address and location information

          This allows us to present the property in a realistic environment.

          4 - Different steps

          It only takes a few steps to get your renderings to bring your project to life. Here is the step-by-step guide. As you’ll see, it’s as easy as ABC.

          A. Order

            With our intuitive platform, you can order your renderings in just one minute by clicking on “Order your visuals”, then on “advanced editing”. There you’ll find all the renderings possibilities that you already know thanks to your Backbone advisor.

            B. Brief

              After contacting us you will receive an online form to complete - from your contact person (Experience Leader) at Backbone for the project - for us to collect all required documents/requirements for the project. Try to gather as much as possible. The sooner you complete it, the sooner we’ll get started on your project.

              Add or 2 inputs images (eg floorplan or Point of view on plan, material exemples… )

              Points of view approved 1 1
              Materials 3

              C. Draft Versions

              Once we have received all the materials from you, we will carefully review them. If there is something missing or we have any inconsistencies in them, we will get in touch to ensure the best result.

              During the following 5 working days, we will be producing all the basic elements of the scene needed to prepare the draft. We’ll start by modelling the object/building, the interior, adding some basic elements of the surroundings, decoration, a test light, so you can get a better understanding of the direction we’re heading.

              As a result of the above, you will get a draft render, for us to work out the final vision with you. For a typical project, the waiting time for a draft is 5 working days. After sending the drafts we will be waiting for your feedback.

              Add photo of draft version (without comment), even though they look like the one with comments

              3D Rendering draft
              3D Rendering interior kitchen

              D. Feedback

              When you get the first draft from us, remember that this is the only time for big changes (if you only choose the normal pack - without the additional feedback pack) in the project, e.g. –

              - rebuilding of the body/changing small architecture
              - design of the surroundings / interior design
              - selection of specific furniture/decorations

                Please do your best to give your feedback as soon as possible, otherwise, the waiting time for receiving visualization will be much longer.

                The best way to correctly understand what changes you want to make is by marking them on the drafts (as in the example below) or through a numbering list. This type of describing changes is precise and saves our mutual time, by not asking for extra details.

                Floorplan 4
                Floorplan 3
                Kitchen min page 0001

                E. Final result

                Ready and approved visualizations will contain all discussed changes, post-production adjustment and high-res quality. And you’re ready to go.

                Please get in touch if you have any questions about the process or the benefits rendering can deliver your real estate business.

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                3D Rendering2
                3D Rendering 3
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                3D Rendering 11