Your real estate projects in 3D rendering | BKBN

3D Rendering

3D rendering for real estate agents has taken visuals to the next level. If you sell properties off plan, then you know that the best way to get clients interested is to show them the finished article. The technology for 3D rendering has moved on massively over the past few years, making it possible to create amazing visuals from just a floor plan. And with BKBN, you can have these in a couple of days.

So here you are - you have floorplans and an idea of what the final project will look like. But that isn’t enough for your prospective buyers to work from. If they can’t visit a home, then they want the next best thing. And that’s where we step in and help your real estate business create 3D renders that transform a simple floor plan into stunning visuals that help you sell properties.

Put simply, we elaborate rendering from floorplans sent from our clients. So, you send us what you have, and we send back visuals that will help you to sell properties off plan and pre-build. We make it as easy as possible for you to delight your clients.

How to showcase real estate projects?

Real estate projects don’t look great during the build phase. They are messy, dusty and quite frankly a health and safety issue to have people walk in on. And that causes a problem for real estate professionals like you. It is obvious that you can sell if you could just get the images of the completed project under the noses of your clients. That’s where 3D rendering for real estate comes in. Your projects come to life. Your clients can see the finished project. Your developers love what you can do for them. After all, the best way to finance a build project is via pre-sales. And the best way to get pre-sales is to sell the dream property at the end of it – not the building site in the middle.

What is a 3D rendering?

3D rendering takes the design stage of a project and transforms it into stunning visuals that sell properties before they are even built. 3D rendering is the process of turning basic models into animated representations of a property or project – all in 3D. This brings the project to life in the eyes of the prospective buyer.

Using advanced software, we are able to deliver you something that will give the detail that is lacking in a 2D floor plan. It is an effective marketing tool for any project. And now you can get these delivered in quick time from BKBN at a great price.

Why opt for a 3D rendering?

There are a handful of reasons that 3D rendering can help you. Firstly, your customers will love what you can do for them. Developers want a project to look great even when they haven’t broken ground. Why wait until the project is completed to attract buyers? It also makes things much more convenient for you as an agent, for the developer and for buyers. A great 3D rendering can be ready and viewed online – bringing the project to life without stepping outside. Projects can continue without having to consider safe visits for potential buyers.

3D rendering has become widespread in the property industry. The technology and software are expensive to buy and use. But you can tap into our expertise and experience by dealing with BKBN.

What services do we offer in the field of 3D visualisation?

We offer a range of solutions for your 3D rendering needs. Here’s what we offer:

- Residential renderings – for your clients who are buildings a residential project and want to sell off plan.
- Commercial renderings – for office blocks, retails units and the like where your clients can secure tenants or buyers before the project is finished.
- Human model can be added to the renderings to bring the entire project to life and make it feel ‘lived in.’
- 360° Rendering can also be done to really bring a project to life -adding elements that will make it feel like your clients are stood in the middle of the finished project.

Why should you commission Backbone with the 3D visualisation of your real estate?

We have a wide range of experts in real estate visuals – including some of the very best 3D rendering experts in Europe. They will transform your floor plans into stunning 3D rendering visuals that take your clients right into the heart of a completed project.

And we manage this in only a couple of days for a reasonable price too. Get in touch today to find out how we can help you with all your 3D rendering needs.

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