Celebrating 5 Years of Backbone's Journey

In October, at Backbone, we marked a significant milestone - our 5-year anniversary. It's an occasion worth celebrating, and we're excited to share this journey with you. As we reflect on the past half-decade, we invite you to join us on our journey through different milestones, challenges, and relationships we've nurtured along the way.

Over these five years, we've achieved some significant milestones:

5 Y infographics
  • Over 4,000 users have become part of our Backbone community, contributing to our ever-growing network. With 845 SaaS users collaborating on visuals, we've built a vibrant and innovative ecosystem that addresses your real estate needs.
  • We've developed more than 12 products, each carefully designed to meet your real estate needs.
  • Our AI Text Generator has contributed 16,350 words, making a meaningful impact on expediting the marketing process for our valued tech enthusiast clients.
  • Together, we've produced a staggering 1 million photos, each telling the story of a property.
  • Our visual editing tool has enabled the application of 4,349 watermarks, ensuring the protection and branding of these valuable assets.
  • 50,000 orders have been processed, a testament to the trust and satisfaction of our valued clients.
  • We've covered a distance equivalent to 1 million miles as we strive to provide exceptional service and technology to you.
  • Our Creatives covered a distance equivalent to 1 million miles, still as we strive to identify the nearest and best Creative match for each location.

With a steadfast vision of transforming the European real estate landscape, we express our deep gratitude to every client, collaborator, and partner. Your dedication and creative spirit have propelled our journey.

Our commitment to delivering innovative technologies and exceptional experiences remains unwavering. As we embark on the path ahead, we eagerly anticipate the next five years and beyond.